Notes on controlling PixelBot. Select a tab to learn more. All commands can be pasted directly into the live-stream chat field.
NOTE: These commands are left here for those that may want to implement their own image generators. Otherwise, use the latest editor to automatically generate the code.
Draw to 4 panels (less than 500 chars).
- !pbd.[RLE code for panel1].[RLE code for panel2].[RLE code for panel3].[RLE code for panel4]
- Note: The new 4-up editor automatically generates this for you. Simply export the picture, copy the !pbd code, and paste into chat.
Draw to 4 panels (more than 500 chars).
- !pbdz.[RLE code for panels 1-4, Gzip+Base64]
- Steps:
- Create your picture and export it from the 4-up editor.
- Go to an online gzip+base64 tool (or similar).
- Paste in everything after "!pbd." into tool and compress. (That is, do not include '!pbd." in string to encode.)
- Copy resulting encoded string as noted above with a "!pbdz." prefix and send.
Animate to 4 panels (less than 500 chars)
- !pba.[RLE code for panels 1-4, frame1].[RLE code for panels 1-4, frame2].[RLE code for paneld 1-4, frame3] on
- NEW faster and more stable frame animation: Use !pbax in place of above to test it out. No restrictions on speed.
- That is, you simply stitch the !pbd codes generated by the 4-up editor together with periods.
- Example (4-frames):
- Note: This probably only works for very simple animations due to 500 char chat limit.
Animate to 4 panels (more than 500 chars)
- !pbaz.[RLE code for frames for panels 1-4, Gzip+Base64]
- Steps:
- Create your frames with the 4-up editor and construct them as noted above.
- Note: add in timing if you want something other than 500ms (default). EG: 300.4e1a...
- Go to an online gzip+base64 tool (or similar).
- Paste in everything after "!pbd." into tool and compress. (That is, do not include '!pbd." in string to encode.)
- Copy resulting encoded string as noted above with a "!pbaz." prefix and send.
- That is, you simply stitch the !pbd codes generated by the 4-up editor together with periods.
- Example (10-frames)
Clear all 4 panels
Draw random pixels across all panels every 200ms.
- !pbn.[color][number of random pix to draw:1-576]
- Example: !pbn.r50 (randomly choose 50 pixels and draw them red every 200ms)
Write and display long drawing/animation on PBOT:
- !pbw.-[part1] (saves first part of drawing code)
- !pbw.-[part2] (appends second part of drawing to the first)
- !pbw.-[part3] So on...
- !pbs (Show drawing on pixel bot)
- !pbr (Remove your saved drawing. Use if you mess up appends.)
Drawing Example:
Original Code: !pbd.65e2f9e2f1e2f6e1f3e1f8e1f1e1r1e1f6e1f3e1f8e5f15e.55e2f5e2f1e3f8e1f4e1f4e1f1e2r1e1f8e1f3e2f5e5f28e.51e9f8e1f6e1f1e3r2e2r8e1f6e9f36e.48e8f8e1f7e1r2e3r1e1f8e1f7e8f40e
Write out in two parts then display:
- !pbw.-!pbd.65e2f9e2f1e2f6e1f3e1f8e1f1e1r1e1f6e1f3e1f8e5f15e.55e2f5e2f1e3f8e1f4e1f4e1f1e2r1e1f8e1f3e2f5e5f28e.51
- !pbw.-e9f8e1f6e1f1e3r2e2r8e1f6e9f36e.48e8f8e1f7e1r2e3r1e1f8e1f7e8f40e
- !pbs
Animation Example:
Original Code:
Write out in two parts then display:
- !pbw.-!pbaz.H4sIAAAAAAAAA5WQMQ5DMQhDbxQFCHxyHAY4wL//UH/aSu3QVh08xHp2LHTOYZpcGyLIkkoghyjphF48LdIcegW0A9
- !pbw.-LgeggFHfAOXIwWOwKUu01rSE4GeH/vEsuxPL2BA18ygGfLAX/N/Lox/t0YHzd2V+jbUtygXWvXi0P0x2IM4GDJGykJ/0teAQAA
- !pbs
Custom Color Maps (Drawings only)
- !pbdh.[color map].[drawing code]
- !pbdhz.[Gzip+Base64] (zipped and compressed, Online tool)
- color map : [char1][#hex1],[char2][#hex2],[char3][#hex3]... (EG: d#df00ee,t#2eff2c,&#ffee00)
Custom Color Maps (Drawings with Custom Alpha)
- Allows a drawing to layer on top of current drawing on PixelBot with transparent regions.
- !pbdth.[color map].[drawing code]
- !pbdthz.[Gzip+Base64] (zipped and compressed, Online tool)
- Color map : [char1][#hex1],[char2][#hex2],[char3][#hex3]... (EG: d#df00ee,t#2eff2c,&#ffee00)
- Use "alpha" keyword to specify a color as transparent: !pbdth.b#alpha,y#ff0000... (color b will be transparent).
- Position of alpha color in color map doesn't matter.
- If alpha unspecified, black will be used as transparent.
NOTE: These pixel commands may be obsolete for the PixelBot Proto2+. Use the Pixel Bot Editor to control pixels.
- Example: !pb1.r50 (make pixel number 50 red)
- You may "stack" multiple pixel commands. EG: !pb1.r35.b16.w75.y130.p90...
Color codes:
- Red: r
- Green: g
- Blue: b
- White: w
- Black/Off: x
- Yellow: y
- Maroon: m
- Purple: p
- Twitch purple: tp
- Navy: n
- Dark Green: dg
- Teal: te
- Orange: or
- Pink: pi
- Golden Rod: gr
- Gold: go
- Khaki: k
- Cyan: cy
- Dark Orange: do
- Orange Red: or
Blinky Pixels: Make pixels blink every half-second:
- !pb1b.[color][pix:1-144]
- Example: !pb1b.r50. (make pixel 50 red and blink every second)
- You may "stack" blink commands to synchronize pixels to blink together. Example: !pb1b.r12.g13.b14...
Timed Pixels: Make pixels draw in sequence every 1/2 second.
- !pb1t.[color][pix:1-144]
- Example: !pb1t.r50.b50 (make pixel 50 red, then after 1/2 second make it blue)
- Example: !pb1t.r50.g51 (make pixel 50 red, then after 1/2 second make pixel 51 green)
- You may "stack" multiple pixel commands. For Example: !pb1t.r35.b16.w75.y130.p90...
Random Pixels: Draw random pixels every 200ms.
- !pb1n.[color][number of random pix to draw:1-144]
- Example: !pb1n.r50 (randomly choose 50 pixels and draw them red every 200ms)
Display any color in the center 4 pixels:
- !pb1ec.[rgb hex value]
- Example: !pb1ec.9400D3 (clear board and display dark-violet in the center 4 pixels)
- Note: Arbitrary RGB support is untested. Results may vary, but we'll learn stuff.
Test the speed of a moving pixel:
- !pb1es.[fps]
- Example: !pb1es.12 (clear board and move a pixel from 0 to 144 at 12 fps.)
- Use !pb1x command to stop.
Traverse pixels through all colors:
- !pb1ew.[fps]
- Example: !pb1ew.12 (clear board and transition colors through all RGB values.)
- Use !pb1x command to stop.
Clear panel pixels:
Set panel color:
- !pb1p.[color]
- Example: !pb1p.r (make entire panel 1 red)
Set row color:
- !pb1r.[color][row:1-12]
- Example: !pb1r.w3 (make row 3 white on panel 1)
- You may "stack" multiple row commands. Example: !pb1r.w3.r4.b10...
Set column color:
- !pb1c.[color][row:1-12]
- Example: !pb1c.w3 (make col 3 white on panel 1)
- You may "stack" multiple column commands. Example: !pb1c.w3.r6.y11...