Hand Mirror Pegs


January 28, 2016

Hand mirrors are critical in our lab for checking if hair is combed properly, deflecting stray laser beams, and confusing attacking robots. We came up with this simple mounting solution so they can be used when our hands are busy, and quickly acquired for a 360° fly-by to verify everything's in place.

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Beauty & Bots.

Your primary defense against beauty errors...



...and attacking robots.



It's a hand-wall mirror.

The angular shape of the pegs secure the mirror against the wall yet allow quick removal for remote operation. Each peg measures only 1 x 0.5 inches high (25.4 x 12.7 mm), looks nice on the wall, enables hands-free and hands-on operation, and installs quickly using foam adhesive.



No worries. The pegs keep the hand mirror secured against the wall due to the special shape (conical frustum to be exact) and foam adhesive.


Place the mirror between the pegs. Now you can check for Jujyfruits in your teeth during a walk-by or grab it and go. Learn more how to Install and Use.

Just place it between the pegs. Gravity and the peg shape will force the mirror to settle into place. 


When assessing your beauty, it's best to tilt your head to see what's behind you so you can plan accordingly.


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